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    Command Line Interface

    With its Command Line Interface (CLI), Hackolade truly supports an agile development approach leveraging the flexibility of NoSQL dynamic schemas.  Some customers use this capability nightly in a batch process to identify attributes and structures that may have appeared in the data since the last run.  During a nightly run of the reverse-engineering function, a much larger dataset can be queried as a basis for document sampling, hence making schema inference more precise. Such capability can be useful in a data governance context to properly document the semantics and publish a thorough data dictionary for end users.  


    The CLI can also be used in the context of compliance with privacy laws to make sure that the company does not store data that it is not supposed to store.  There are many more examples of how to use this functionality.


    Another common use case we've seen is to use the CLI to compare the models reverse-engineered from different environments (e.g; dev, test, integration, prod) to ensure their synchronization.


    The Hackolade command line can of course be used on a stand alone machine.  It can also be easily combined with a git repository for the storage of versioned models and schema artifacts, as well as with Docker containers.  Customers have been using this combination either in a push mode, triggered by saving or committing model changes, or in a pull mode, when invoked by a DevOps CI/CD pipeline or a scheduled job.


    You may want to watch a playlist of short videos on YouTube.

    CLI Command Line Interface with git



    To understand how to set the different CLI arguments, it is often helpful to first run the equivalent function in the GUI application, then to assemble the CLI command piece by piece.


    It is easier to run the CLI from the directory where the Hackolade executable is installed, from a terminal program:

    • Windows: 

      • cmd command line: all commands below should be preceded by start /wait hackolade 
      • PowerShell: all commands below should be preceded by Start-Process -wait hackolade and the commands and arguments should be wrapped in quotes such as Start-Process -wait hackolade "forwEng --help" for more details, please consult this page.
    • Mac: start Terminal and execute: all commands below should be preceded by /Applications/ 

    • Linux: terminal emulator or common shell programs: all commands below should be preceded by ./Hackolade  or path-to-where-hackolade-was-unzipped/Hackolade 


    To take full advantage of the capability, you may run the CLI from scheduled batch files.  


    Note: a properly licensed copy of Hackolade is required to run the CLI.  The CLI functionality is only available in the following editions of Hackolade Studio: Professional, Workgroup, and 14-Day Free Trial.


    Below is the current list of Hackolade CLI commands.  Additional commands may be added at a later date.


    compModCompare two Hackolade models to detect differences, and optionally merge them
    forwEngForward-engineer structure created with the application to dynamically generate the schema of the selected entities.  Or forward-engineer JSON Schema or a sample JSON data document
    forwEngAPIForward-engineer Swagger or OpenAPI model from merge of a source data model and a user-defined template
    forwEngDataDictionaryPublish Hackolade data model to Data Dictionary instance
    forwEngXLSXExport model to Excel file
    genDocGenerate documentation for a Hackolade model, in HTML, Markdown, or PDF format
    obfuscCopy a model, and garble sensitive properties: business name, technical name, description, comments, enumeration.  Use if you need to send a model for troubleshooting but don't want to disclose sensitive aspects of the model.
    openOpen Hackolade Studio data model
    polyglotDeriveDerive a physical target model from a polyglot data model
    polyglotUpdateUpdate polyglot definition
    revEngReverse-engineer a database instance or script file to fetch or infer the schema of the selected collections/tables
    revEngDataDictionaryReverse-engineer a data dictionary instance to infer the schema of entities
    revEngDiagramReverse-engineer model from PowerDesign file 
    revEngJSONReverse-engineer JSON Schema or documents
    revEngYAMLReverse-engineer YAML or YAML Schema files
    revEngDDLReverse-engineer RDBMS data definition language files with .sql extensions
    revEngXLSXImport Excel template into a data model
    revEngXSDReverse-engineer XSD files with .xsd extensions
    helpDisplay commands and their arguments
    performanceRecords timestamps of application startup steps for performance troubleshooting
    versionDisplay application version



    Usage:     hackolade command [--arguments]



    The compMod command lets you compare two (2) Hackolade models and derive a delta model file with additions, deletions, and modifications of fields and structures.


    When merging into a targetModel, you should keep in mind that:

    - merging is an "all or nothing" proposition

    - handling of modifications is impacted by the order in which model1 and model 2 are assigned, with model2 values being kept in the merged model


    Usage:    hackolade compMod [--arguments]


    --model1=[commit:][path]<file>*YFull path and file name for baseline Hackolade model with which comparison will be performed. With the Workgroup Edition, you may precede the full path and file name with a reference to the commit of the model file.     The commit can be any valid Git reference and must be followed by a colon: - a short hash, e.g. 97dd2ae - a long hash, e.g. 97dd2ae065771908ee9ae0fa08ccdb58b5a6b18f - a branch, e.g. develop - a tag, e.g. v1.0.0 - a pre-defined reference such as HEAD, HEAD^1, HEAD~1, etc. Extension .json is optional
    --model2=[commit:][path]<file>*YFull path and file name for comparison Hackolade model.  Extension .json is optional.  With the Workgroup Edition, you may precede the full path and file name with a reference to the commit of the model file.     Both models need to be of the same DB target.  Extension .json is optional
    --deltaModel=<file>*YFull path and file name for differences in model comparisons.  The resulting file is a Hackolade model.  Extension .json is optional
    --ignoreGUIDs=<true | false>NSpecify whether to include GUIDs in comparison.  [default: true]
    --ignoreExtraProperties= <true | false>NSpecify whether to include in comparison the Hackolade properties that cannot typically be derived from the data, such as descriptions, comments, samples, defaults, and foreign key-related infos.  [default: true]
    --ignoreOrder=<true | false>NSpecify whether to detect changes in order of fields [default: true]
    --targetModel=<file>*NFull path and file name for the Hackolade model resulting from the merge of model1 and model2.  If specified, a new Hackolade model is created with a merge of the 2 original models.  Extension .json is optional
    --mergedeletesasdeactivated= <true | false>NSpecify whether to deactivate deleted objects [default: false]
    --gui=<true | false>NSpecify whether to open Model Compare & Merge in GUI  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.


    Note: unless GUID’s are used for the comparison, a change in a field name will result in an addition plus a deletion.  Same for a change in an entity name.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade compMod --model1=yesterdaysModel --model2=todaysModel --deltaModel=todaysDeltaModel --ignoreGUIDs=true --ignoreExtraProperties=true --ignoreOrder=true 


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.


    Structure of resulting delta model file:

    CLI compMod delta model structure

    A delta model file may contain any combination of multiple additions, deletions, and modifications.  Deeply nested fields are referenced through their structure.  To merge newly added fields, open your baseline model in Hackolade, then either copy/paste from the delta model, or reference the new field via an external reference to the delta model, then convert the reference into attributes.



    Forward engineer structure created with the application to dynamically generate the schema of the selected entities.


    Usage:    hackolade forwEng [--arguments]


    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model. Extension .json is optional 
    --path=<file>*YSpecify the directory path and file name where the forward-engineered files will be created.
    --outputType=< jsonschema | jsondata | yamldata | script | schemaregistry >YSpecify the type of output (JSON Schema, sample JSON data, sample YAML data, script, or schemaregistry) [default: jsonschema] This allows output of the script corresponding to the target of the specified model, e.g.: CQL for Cassandra, HQL for Hive, etc... It also allows the publication of Avro, ProtoBuf, and JSON schemas to schema registry instances
    --jsonSchemaCompliance=< standard | full | extended >NSpecify JSON Schema compliance: standard for only JSON Schema keywords and data types, full for additional custom properties, or extended for target-specific data types and internal properties.  [default: standard]
    --jsonschemaversion=< draft-04 | draft 06 | draft-07 | 2019-09 | 2020-12 >NSpecify JSON Schema specification version [default: draft-04]   [values: draft-04, draft-06, draft-07, 2019-09, 2020-12] [default: "draft-04"]
    --format=< format >NOutput target-specific schema format: MongoDB: ["shell", "mongoose" ,"js", $jsonchema"] Couchbase: ["ottoman", "n1ql"] DynamoDB:  ["tableScript", "putItemScript"] Avro: ["avroSchema" ,"schemaRegistry", "azureSchemaRegistry" ,"confluentSchemaRegistry" ,"pulsarSchemaRegistry"] BigQuery:  ["sql", "json"] CosmosDB-with-Gremlin-API: ["gremlin", "cosmosdb"] CosmosDB-with-SQL-API:     ["containerSettingsJson", "azureCliPowerShell" ,"azureCliZsh" ,"azureCliBash"] JSON Schema: ["azureSchemaRegistry" ,"confluentSchemaRegistry" ,"pulsarSchemaRegistry"] Glue: ["awsCLI", "HiveQL"] OpenAPI:   ["json", "yaml"] Oracle: ["quotedIdentifier", "nonquotedIdentifier"] Protobuf: ["azureSchemaRegistry" ,"confluentSchemaRegistry" ,"pulsarSchemaRegistry"] Snowflake: ["snowSight", "classicUI"] Swagger:   ["json", "yaml"]
    --connectName=<connection>Y if to instanceCurrently only available for schema registries.  Name of connection settings saved in the Hackolade instance where CLI is invoked. Or use --connectFile instead.
    --connectFile=<file>*NCurrently only available for schema registries.  Full file path of connection config file (you don't need to use it when connect name is specified).  The simplest way to create a connection file is to create a connection in the GUI application, then export the connection settings to file, encrypted or not.
    --selectedObjects= "<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify array of entities to include to result from model [default: all] For multiple containers, separate them with semi-colon (;)
    --scriptType=<create | update >NFor Cassandra, if outputType=script, specify type of forward engineering script [default:create]
    --defsStrategy= <resolved | referenced | internal>NIf outputType=jsonschema, specify whether to output resolved, referenced or internal definitions  [values: "resolved", "referenced", "internal"] [default: "resolved"]
    --updateExtDefs=<true | false>NWhen reference to external definition, update current model to ensure latest changes are included. [default: false]
    --insertSampleData=<true | false>NInclude sample data to the output if it supports. [default: false]
    --quotingType=<unquoted | simple |  double>NSpecify the type of quotes for YAML  [values: "unquoted", "single", "double"] [default: "unquoted"]
    --minify=<true | false>NFor JSON document/schema and Avro Schema, minify output instead of default beautifying format [default=false]
    --batchScriptSeparator=< ; | GO >NFor SQL Server, Azure SQL, and Synapse, specify if you wish a different separator than the default semi-column ";" or the "GO" separator [choices: ";", "GO"] [default: ";"]
    --validateSchema=<true | false>NIf output script supports validation (JSON Schema, Avro Schema, Swagger, OpenAPI,...), run respective validator, and generate error message if validation failed. [default: false]
    --ignoredoc=<true | false>NIgnore description and comment properties which may be too wordy for this purpose [default: false]
    --definitions=<true | false>NJSON Schema only, specify whether to generate json schema of model definitions [default: false]
    --level=<entity | container | model>NSpecify the forward-engineering level [values: "entity", "container", "model"]
    --skipUndefinedLevel=<true | false>NFor JSON document/schema, skip extraneous folder level when container is undefined [default: false]
    --structuredpath=<true | false>NUse a structured path for naming a model folder [default: true]
    --apply-drop-statements=<true | false>NDetermines whether DROP statements are active (true) or commented out (false).  The user is required to explicitly activate the generation of DROP statements, signifying the understanding of the possible consequences  [default: false]
    --excludeContainerAlterStatements= <true | false>NDetermines whether containers ALTER statements are excluded (true) or not (false) [default: false]
    --resolveApiExternalRefs=<true | false>NSpecify whether to resolve external references in API targets [default: false]
    --serialization=<BSON | JSON>NSpecify whether JSON Data must be generated with Plain JSON values or BSON values [values: "BSON", "JSON"] [default: "BSON"]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade forwEng --model=masterdata.json --path=masterdata.cql  


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.




    The forwEngAPI command lets you generate a Swagger or OpenAPI model from the merging of a source data model and a user-defined template


    Usage:    hackolade forwEngAPI [--arguments]


    --sourcemodel=<file>*YFull path and file name for the Hackolade model to to serve as a basis for the API generation.  Extension .json is optional
    --selectedObjects= "<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify array of entities to include to result from model [default: all] For multiple containers, separate them with semi-colon (;)
    --APItemplate=<file>*NFull path and file name for the template to be used during API generation to create the specified resources for each selected entity of the source model.  The template can be a Hackolade model, or a Swagger or OpenAPI documentation file in either JSON or YAML.  When no template is provided, the  --apiTargetVersion argument must be specified instead.
    --targetModelFormat=< Swagger | OpenAPI >NSpecify the target of the target model.  ["Swagger" or "OpenAPI"] [default: OpenAPI]
    --apiTargetVersionNSpecify the API schema version to be used during API generation when no API template is provided. This argument cannot be used together with the --APItemplate argument. ["3.0.3" or "3.1.0"][default= "3.0.3"]
    --targetmodel=<file>*YFull path and file name for the obfuscated Hackolade model.  Extension .json is optional.  
    --APIdocFile=<file>*NIf specified, the corresponding documentation file will be generated in the chose model format.  Specify the full path and file name for the generated documentation file.
    --keepexternal=<true | false>NKeep external references to this data model [default: true]
    --referencepath=<absolute | relative>NSpecify type of external references path [default: absolute]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade forwEngAPI --sourcemodel=masterdata --APItemplate=OAS_generation --targetmodel=masterdataAPI  --APIdocFile=masterdata_OpenAPI 


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.




    The forwEngDataDictionary command lets you publish Hackolade data models to a Data Dictionary instance (currently Collibra only.)


    Usage:    hackolade forwEngDataDictionary [--arguments]


    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for the  Hackolade model to be published to the Data Dictionary instance. Extension .json is optional.
    --connectName=<connection>Y if to instanceName of connection settings saved in the Hackolade instance where CLI is invoked. Or use --connectFile instead.
    --connectFile=<file>*NFull file path of connection config file (you don't need to use it when connect name is specified).  The simplest way to create a connection file is to create a connection in the GUI application, then export the connection settings to file, encrypted or not.
    --selectedObjects= "<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify array of entities to include to result from model [default: all] For multiple containers, separate them with semi-colon (;)
    --targetResource=<resource>YName of a target resource (domain) in Data Dictionary instance.
    --forceconfig=<true | false>NSpecify whether to create necessary config in Data Dictionary instance
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade forwEngDataDictionary --model=yelp --connectName=Collibra_instance --targetResource=Yelp  


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    The forwEngXLSX command allows to export a data model into an Excel file.


    Warning: when exporting into an existing Excel file name, the whole file get overwritten.


    Usage:    hackolade forwEngXLSX [--arguments]


    --model=<file>* YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model. Extension .json is optional
    --path=<file>* YSpecify the directory path and file name where the forward-engineered files will be created 
    --selectedObjects= "<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify array of entities to include to result from model [default: all] For multiple containers, separate them with semi-colon (;)
    --relationships=<true | false>NSpecify whether to export relationships [default: true]
    --fullPathTechnicalNames=<true | false>NSpecify whether, for nested complex structures, to include the full path in dot notation for the technical name [default: true]
    --resolvedDefinitions=<true | falseNSpecify whether to resolve referenced definitions [default: false] 
    --updateExtDefs=<true | falseNWhen reference to external definition, update current model to ensure latest changes are included. [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.




    The genDoc command lets you invoke the generation of a documentation file, either in HTML or PDF format, for a specified existing Hackolade model.


    Usage:    hackolade genDoc [--arguments]


    --format=<HTML | Markdown  |  PDF>YSpecify format, currently either HTML, MARKDOWN, or PDF
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for source Hackolade model for which documentation is being generated.  Extension .json is optional
    --doc=<file>*YFull path and file name for documentation.  Extension .html , .md, or .pdf is optional
    --logo=<file>*NFull path and file name for custom logo file.  If omitted, Hackolade logo is used
    --displayName=<business | technical>NDefine whether to display business or technical names [values: "business", "technical"] [default: business] 
    --diagram=<true | false>NInclude model diagram [default: true]
    --diagramViews=["<ERDV1>","<ERDV2>",…]"NSpecify an array of diagram views to be included.  The value is a string surrounded by double quotes (").  ER Diagram View names are represented as an array surrounded by square brackets ([]), and are separated by a comma (,).  [default: all]
    --sepContDiag=<true | false>NInclude separate container diagrams (database, region, buckets, keyspaces...)  [default: true]
    --entityDiagrams=<true | false>NInclude entity hierarchical schema diagrams [default: true]
    --attribTree=<all | complex | none>NInclude individual hierarchical schema view for all attributes [all], for complex attributes only [complex], or for no attributes [none]. [default: all]
    --properties=<all | notNull | none>NInclude all field properties [all], only field properties with information [notnull], or no field properties [none]. [default: all]
    --relationships=<true | false>NInclude Relationships [default: true]
    --JSONSchema=<true | false>NInclude JSON Schema code [default: true]
    --JSONData=<true | false>NInclude JSON Data sample [default: true]
    --entities="<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify container(s) to include in documentation [default: all] and an array of entities [default: all] - MongoDB: container = dbs; entity = collection - DynamoDB: container = not applicable; entity = table - Couchbase: container = bucket; entity = document kind - Cosmos DB: container = collection; entity = document type - plain JSON: container = group; entity = document The value is a string surrounded by double quotes (").  Entities are represented as an array surrounded by square brackets ([]), and are separated by a comma (,).  The entities array is separated from the container name by a colon (:).   Containers are separated by semi-colons (;).
    --views="[<view1>, <view2>, ...]"NIn MongoDB only, specify view(s) to include in documentation [default: all] The value is a string surrounded by double quotes (").  Views are represented as an array surrounded by square brackets ([]), and are separated by a comma (,).
    --openDoc=<true | false>NSpecify whether to open the generated document or not upon completion of generation. [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.


    Simple example: using all default options:  

    start /wait hackolade genDoc --format=HTML --model=C:\Users\Public\Bitbucket\hackolade\schemas\MongoDB\noaa.json


    More complex example: 

    start /wait C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade genDoc --format=HTML --model=C:\Users\Public\Bitbucket\hackolade\schemas\Couchbase\travel-sample.json
    --doc=C\Users\Public\Documents\Hackolade\Documentation\travel-sample.html --logo="C\Users\Public\Documents\Hackolade\Documentation\couchbase logo.png"
    --attribTree=complex --JSONSchema=false --JSONData=false --properties=notNull --entities="travel-sample: airport, airline, route"


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    It is possible to open Hackolade Studio data model from the command line.  


    Usage:    hackolade open [--arguments]


    --model=<ffile>YFull path and file name for the Hackolade Studio data model to open.  Extension .json is optional
    --updateReferences=<true | false>NSpecify whether to update external and polyglot references if present [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade open --model="/data models/yelp-mongodb.hck.json"  


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.




    The obfusc command lets you garble sensitive properties: business name, technical name, description, comments, enumeration.  Use if you need to send a model for troubleshooting but don't want to disclose sensitive aspects of the model.


    Usage:    hackolade obfusc [--arguments]


    --sourcemodel=<file>*YFull path and file name for the Hackolade model to be obfuscated.  Extension .json is optional
    --targetmodel=<file>*YFull path and file name for the obfuscated Hackolade model.  Extension .json is optional.  
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade obfusc --sourcemodel=masterdata --targetmodel=garbeledmasterdata  


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    The polyglotDerive command lets you derive a target model from a polyglot model.


    Usage:    hackolade polyglotDerive [--arguments]


    --target=<target>YNative target for model: JSON, MONGODB, DYNAMODB, COUCHBASE, or plugin target: Avro, CASSANDRA, COSMOSDB-SQL, COSMOSDB-MONGO, ELASTICSEARCH, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, HIVE, JOI, MSSQLServer; NEO4J, OPENAPI, PARQUET, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SWAGGER, Synapse, TinkerPop, etc..
    --targetVersion=<version>NSpecify the version number where applicable and necessary.(currently Oracle)  [default: latest]
    --polyglotmodels="<file1>;<file2>..."YFull path and file name for polyglot model. Extension .json is optional. Accepts paths divided by semicolon when deriving from multiple Polyglot models..
    --targetmodel=<file>*YSpecify the directory path and file name where the derived target model will be created
    --pathType=< absolute | relative > NSpecify the type of path, absolute or relative [default: absolute]
    --normalize=< true | falseNWhere applicable, specify whether or not to normalize complex data types in separate entities [default: false]
    --APItemplate=<file>*NWhen deriving to Swagger/OpenAPI target to generate model-driven API, specify full path and file name for the template to be used during deriving from Polyglot. The template can be a Hackolade model, or a Swagger or OpenAPI documentation file in either JSON or YAML.
    --selectedObjects= "<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify container(s) to reverse-engineer  [default: all] and an array of entities [default: all] - MongoDB: container = dbs; entity = collection - DynamoDB: container = not applicable; entity = table - Couchbase: container = bucket; entity = document kind - Cosmos DB: container = collection; entity = document type - Elasticsearch: container = index: entity = type - HBase: container =  namespace; entity = table The value is a string surrounded by double quotes (").  Entities are represented as an array surrounded by square brackets ([]), and are separated by a comma (,).  The entities array is separated from the container name by a colon (:).  Containers are separated by semi-colons (;).
    --selectedViews= "<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify container(s) to derive [default: none] and an array of views. The value is a string surrounded by double quotes ("). Views are represented as an array surrounded by square brackets ([]), and are separated by a comma (,). The views array is separated from the container name by a colon (:). Containers are separated by semi-colons (;)
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade polyglotDerive --target=mongodb --polyglotmodels=yelp-polyglot.hck.json --targetmodel=yelp-mongodb.hck.json  


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    The polyglotUpdate command lets you update a target model for modifications made to the referenced polyglot models


    Usage:    hackolade polyglotUpdate [--arguments]


    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target model. Extension .json is optional 
    --references= "<name1>,<name2>,…"NSpecify the name of the referenced polyglot models for which the target model must be updated. The value is a string surrounded by double quotes ("). The names are separated by a comma (,). CLI - Polyglot reference name [default: all]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade polyglotUpdate --model=yelp-mongodb.hck.json  


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    The revEng command allows to trigger a reverse-engineering process of a database instance, as described in this page, or script file.


    Usage:    hackolade revEng [--arguments]


    --target=<target>YNative target for model: JSON, MONGODB, DYNAMODB, COUCHBASE, or plugin target: Avro, CASSANDRA, COSMOSDB-SQL, COSMOSDB-MONGO, ELASTICSEARCH, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, HIVE, JOI, MSSQLServer; NEO4J, OPENAPI, PARQUET, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SWAGGER, Synapse, TinkerPop, etc..
    --connectName=<connection>Y if from instanceName of connection settings saved in the Hackolade instance where CLI is invoked. Or use --connectFile instead.
    --connectFile=<file>*NFull file path of connection config file (you don't need to use it when connect name is specified).  The simplest way to create a connection file is to create a connection in the GUI application, then export the connection settings to file, encrypted or not.
    --files="<file1>;<file2>..."Y if from fileList of full file path of target scripts (MongoDB validator, Cassandra CQL, Hive HQL, Avro schema, Neo4j Cypher, Swagger documentation, etc...)  from which reverse-engineering process has to be performed. Accepts paths divided by semicolon (schema1.avcs;schema2.avcs) when reverse-engineering from Avro/Parquet with combining schemas into one. 
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional
    --samplingMethod=< abs | re l>NSpecify sampling method, either absolute number of documents or relative percentage.  [default: abs]
    --samplingValue=<x>NIf samplingMethod=abs: positive integer between 1 and 100000 [default: 1000] If samplingMethod=rel: positive integer between 1 and 100 [default: 1] Warning: for obvious performance and response time reasons, be reasonable with these parameters when used on large entities!  What's the point of sampling 10% of 1B+ identical documents?...
    --fieldOrder=< keep | alpha >NSpecify whether to preserve order of fields in sampled document or rearrange in alpha order  [default: keep]
    --inferRelationships=< true | false >NFor MongoDB only, optionally specify whether to attempt relationship inference based on ObjectID data type.  
    --query="{<aggregation pipeline expression>}"NFor MongoDB only, specify query criteria for sampling.  [string] [default: "{}"]
    --sort="{<aggregation pipeline expression>}"NFor MongoDB only, specify sort criteria for sampling.  [default: "{}"]
    --update=< true | false >NSpecify whether to update existing model.  If false, existing model will be overwritten [default: false]
    --conflictResolution< keepBoth | replace | merge | cancel >NSpecify conflict resolution strategy for containers and entities [default: keepBoth]  [values: "keepBoth", "replace", "merge", "cancel"] [default: "keepBoth"]
    --selectedObjects= "<containerName>: [<entity1>,<entity2>,…]"NSpecify container(s) to reverse-engineer  [default: all] and an array of entities [default: all] - MongoDB: container = dbs; entity = collection - DynamoDB: container = not applicable; entity = table - Couchbase: container = bucket; entity = document kind - Cosmos DB: container = collection; entity = document type - Elasticsearch: container = index: entity = type - HBase: container =  namespace; entity = table The value is a string surrounded by double quotes (").  Entities are represented as an array surrounded by square brackets ([]), and are separated by a comma (,).  The entities array is separated from the container name by a colon (:).  Containers are separated by semi-colons (;).
    --documentKinds= "<bucketName>: <docKindField>"NIn Couchbase only, for each bucket, you must specify the field used to distinguish the different objects stored in the same bucket.
    --entityVersion=<version number>NIn EventBridge only, specify schema version [default: latest]
    --includeEmpty=< true | false >NIn MongoDB only, specify whether to include empty collections [default: false]
    --includeSystem=< true | false >NIn MongoDB only, specify whether to include system collections [default: false] 
    --includeViews=< true | false >NIn MongoDB only, specify whether to include views [default: true]
    --selectedDB=<database name>NIn Cosmos DB, you must specify the name of the database which should be reverse-engineered. [default: the first database in the list]
    --pagination=< 0 | 1 | ...>NIn Couchbase, you must specify the number of documents per page for pagination. If value = 0, pagination is disabled  [default: 0]
    --detectPattern=< true | false >NSpecify whether to automatically convert pattern fields [default: false]
    --combineSchemas=< true | false >NFor Avro and Parquet only.  Specify whether to combine the schemas of multiple files, or keep one schema per file reverse-engineered [default: false]
    --namingConventions=< business | technical >NIf application parameters are set to enable Naming Conventions, specify whether to reverse-engineer source attributes as business names or as technical names.  Conversions will be applied according to your Naming Conventions parameters.   [default: business, if Naming Conventions are disabled; or technical, if Naming Conventions are enabled in application Tools > Options]
    --distribution=< true | false >NSpecify whether to perform orthogonal distribution of model entities on ERD. [default: true]
    --maxErdEntityBoxes=< true | false >NSpecify whether to fully expand all collections before distribution.  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.


    MongoDB example:   

    hackolade revEng --connectName=local --target=MONGODB --samplingMethod=abs --samplingValue=1000
    --model=C:\Users\Public\Bitbucket\hackolade\schemas\MongoDB\yelp.json --includeEmpty=true --selectedObjects="yelp" --fieldOrder=keep 


    DynamoDB example:   

    "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" revEng --connectName=local --target=DYNAMODB --samplingMethod=abs --samplingValue=1000
    --model=C:\Users\Public\Bitbucket\hackolade\schemas\DynamoDB\entertainment.json --includeEmpty=false --selectedObjects="[Movies, Music]" --fieldOrder=alpha 


    Couchbase example:   

    "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" revEng --connectName=local --target=COUCHBASE --samplingMethod=abs --samplingValue=2500
    --model=C:\Users\Public\Bitbucket\hackolade\schemas\Couchbase\travel-sample.json --includeEmpty=false --selectedObjects="travel-sample: [airline, airport]" 
    --documentKinds="travel-sample: type" --fieldOrder=keep


    Cosmos DB example:

    start /wait hackolade reveng --target=COSMOSDB-DOC --connectName=azure --model=travel.json --selectedObjects="travel" --documentKinds="travel:type"


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    The revEngDataDictionary command lets you synchronize a previously published Hackolade data models from a Data Dictionary instance (currently Collibra only.)


    Usage:    hackolade revEngDataDictionary [--arguments]


    --target=<target>YNative target for model: JSON, MONGODB, DYNAMODB, COUCHBASE, or plugin target: Avro, CASSANDRA, COSMOSDB-SQL, COSMOSDB-MONGO, ELASTICSEARCH, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, HIVE, JOI, MSSQLServer; NEO4J, OPENAPI, PARQUET, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SWAGGER, Synapse, TinkerPop, etc..
    --connectName=<connection>Y if from instanceName of connection settings saved in the Hackolade instance where CLI is invoked. Or use --connectFile instead.
    --connectFile=<file>*NFull file path of connection config file (you don't need to use it when connect name is specified).  The simplest way to create a connection file is to create a connection in the GUI application, then export the connection settings to file, encrypted or not.
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional
    --dataDictionaryResource=<resource name>YName of the resource (domain) in the Data Dictionary instance being reverse-engineered
    --fieldOrder=< keep | alpha >NSpecify whether to preserve order of fields in sampled document or rearrange in alpha order  [default: keep]
    --update=< true | false >NSpecify whether to update existing model.  If false, existing model will be overwritten [default: false]
    --conflictResolution< keepBoth | replace | merge | cancel >NSpecify conflict resolution strategy for containers and entities [default: keepBoth]  [values: "keepBoth", "replace", "merge", "cancel"] [default: "keepBoth"]
    --namingConventions=< business | technical >NIf application parameters are set to enable Naming Conventions, specify whether to reverse-engineer source attributes as business names or as technical names.  Conversions will be applied according to your Naming Conventions parameters.   [default: business, if Naming Conventions are disabled; or technical, if Naming Conventions are enabled in application Tools > Options]
    --distribution=< true | false >NSpecify whether to perform orthogonal distribution of model entities on ERD. [default: true]
    --maxErdEntityBoxes=< true | false >NSpecify whether to fully expand all collections before distribution.  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade revEngDataDictionary --target=MONGODB --connectName=Collibra_instance --dataDictionaryResource=Yelp --model=yelp 


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    The revEngDDL command allows to trigger a reverse-engineering process of a Data Definition Language file from a database instance, as described in this page.


    Usage:    hackolade revEngDDL [--arguments]


    --target=<target>YNative target for model: MONGODB, DYNAMODB, COUCHBASE, or plugin target: ArangoDB, Avro, CASSANDRA, COSMOSDB-SQL, COSMOSDB-MONGO, ELASTICSEARCH, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, HIVE, JOI, MSSQLServer; NEO4J, OPENAPI, PARQUET, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SWAGGER, Synapse, TinkerPop
    --file=<file>*YSpecify the directory path and file name where the schema file to be reverse-engineered is located (file type must be compatible with selected target.) 
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional
    --entityHandling=< ERD | definitions >NSpecify whether must be reverse-engineered as entities in ERD or as model definitions [default: ERD]
    --container=<containerName>NSpecify a container name into which reverse-engineered entities will be inserted [default=""]
    --database=< oracle | mysql | mssqlserver | db2 | postgres | informix | snowflake | teradata >YName of database of DDL script 
    --update=< true | false >NSpecify whether to update existing model.  If false, existing model will be overwritten [default: false]
    --conflictResolution=< keepBoth | replace | merge | cancel >NSpecify conflict strategy for containers and entities [default: keepBoth]
    --namingConventions=< business | technical >NIf application parameters are set to enable Naming Conventions, specify whether to reverse-engineer source attributes as business names or as technical names.  Conversions will be applied according to your Naming Conventions parameters.   [default: business, if Naming Conventions are disabled; or technical, if Naming Conventions are enabled in application Tools > Options]
    --maxErdEntityBoxes=< true | false >NSpecify whether to fully expand all collections before distribution.  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    The revEngDiagram command allows to trigger a reverse-engineering process of a PowerDesigner file for logical models (typically .ldm extension) and soon for physical models (typically .pdm extension.) 


    Usage:    hackolade revEngDiagram [--arguments]


    --source=<source>YSpecify the modeling tool providing the source file.  Currently only powerdesigner is a possible value
    --file=<file>*YSpecify the directory path and file name where the file to be reverse-engineered is located (file must be a valid file for the source.)  Absolute and relative paths are allowed.   Currently supported extensions: .ldm, . mld (logical models from PowerDesigner)
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional.  If not specified, the target Hackolade model is located in the same directory than the data model file to be reverse-engineered and receives the same name, with the Hackolade extension .hck.json.
    --target=<target>YSpecify the target for the Hackolade Studio model to create.  For a logical model, the target must be polyglot.  For a physical model, the target must be one of the Hackolade Studio physical targets.
    --maxErdEntityBoxes=< true | false >NSpecify whether to fully expand all collections before distribution.  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    start /wait hackolade revEngDiagram --source=PowerDesigner --file=MyLogicalDataModel.ldm --target=Polyglot



    The revEngJSON command allows to trigger a reverse-engineering process of a JSON document or JSON Schema file, as described in this page.


    Usage:    hackolade revEngJSON [--arguments]


    --target=<target>YNative target for model: JSON, MONGODB, DYNAMODB, COUCHBASE, or plugin target: ArangoDB, Avro, CASSANDRA, COSMOSDB-SQL, COSMOSDB-MONGO, ELASTICSEARCH, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, HIVE, JOI, MSSQLServer; NEO4J, OPENAPI, PARQUET, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SWAGGER, Synapse, TinkerPop
    --files="<file1>;<file2>..."YSpecify the directory path and file names to be reverse-engineered
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional
    --entityHandling=< ERD | definitions >NSpecify whether must be reverse-engineered as entities in ERD or as model definitions [default: ERD]
    --container=<containerName>NSpecify a container name into which reverse-engineered entities will be inserted [default=""]
    --normalization=< true | false >NOnly applicable to RDBMS.  Specify whether complex data types should be normalized into separate entities [default: true]
    --conflictResolution=< keepBoth | replace | merge | cancel >NSpecify conflict strategy for containers and entities [default: keepBoth]
    --ndjson=< true | false >NSpecify whether the file is contains NDJSON to leverage sampling options [default: false]
    --namingConventions=< business | technical >NIf application parameters are set to enable Naming Conventions, specify whether to reverse-engineer source attributes as business names or as technical names.  Conversions will be applied according to your Naming Conventions parameters.   [default: business, if Naming Conventions are disabled; or technical, if Naming Conventions are enabled in application Tools > Options]
    --maxErdEntityBoxes=< true | false >NSpecify whether to fully expand all collections before distribution.  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    The revEngYAML command allows to trigger a reverse-engineering process of a YAML document file, as described in this page.


    Usage:    hackolade revEngJSON [--arguments]


    --target=<target>YNative target for model: JSON, MONGODB, DYNAMODB, COUCHBASE, or plugin target: ArangoDB, Avro, CASSANDRA, COSMOSDB-SQL, COSMOSDB-MONGO, ELASTICSEARCH, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, HIVE, JOI, MSSQLServer; NEO4J, OPENAPI, PARQUET, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SWAGGER, Synapse, TinkerPop
    --files="<file1>;<file2>..."YSpecify the directory path and file names to be reverse-engineered
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional
    --entityHandling=< ERD | definitions >NSpecify whether must be reverse-engineered as entities in ERD or as model definitions [default: ERD]
    --container=<containerName>NSpecify a container name into which reverse-engineered entities will be inserted [default=""]
    --normalization=< true | false >NOnly applicable to RDBMS.  Specify whether complex data types should be normalized into separate entities [default: true]
    --conflictResolution=< keepBoth | replace | merge | cancel >NSpecify conflict strategy for containers and entities [default: keepBoth]
    --ndjson=< true | false >NSpecify whether the file is contains NDJSON to leverage sampling options [default: false]
    --namingConventions=< business | technical >NIf application parameters are set to enable Naming Conventions, specify whether to reverse-engineer source attributes as business names or as technical names.  Conversions will be applied according to your Naming Conventions parameters.   [default: business, if Naming Conventions are disabled; or technical, if Naming Conventions are enabled in application Tools > Options]
    --maxErdEntityBoxes=< true | false >NSpecify whether to fully expand all collections before distribution.  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    The revEngXLSX command allows to import an Excel template into a data model.  


    Warning: when importing into an existing model, values will be over written by the values in the Excel file.


    Usage:    hackolade revEngXLSX [--arguments]


    --file=<file>* YSpecify the directory path and file name where the Excel template file to be reverse-engineered is located
    --model=<file>* YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional If data model is an existing one, target must be compatible with the target of Excel file
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    The revEngXSD command allows to trigger a reverse-engineering process of an XMS schema (XSD).


    Usage:    hackolade revEngXSD [--arguments]


    --target=<target>YNative target for model: MONGODB, DYNAMODB, COUCHBASE, or plugin target: ArangoDB, Avro, CASSANDRA, COSMOSDB-SQL, COSMOSDB-MONGO, ELASTICSEARCH, EventBridge, Glue, HBase, HIVE, JOI, MSSQLServer; NEO4J, OPENAPI, PARQUET, ScyllaDB, Snowflake, SWAGGER, Synapse, TinkerPop
    --file=<file>*YSpecify the directory path and file name where the schema file to be reverse-engineered is located (file type must be compatible with selected target.) 
    --model=<file>*YFull path and file name for target Hackolade model into which reverse-engineering process has to be converted.  Extension .json is optional
    --entityHandling=< ERD | definitions >NSpecify whether must be reverse-engineered as entities in ERD or as model definitions [default: ERD]
    --container=<containerName>NSpecify a container name into which reverse-engineered entities will be inserted [default=""]
    --conflictResolution=< keepBoth | replace | merge | cancel >NSpecify conflict strategy for containers and entities [default: keepBoth]
    --namingConventions=< business | technical >NIf application parameters are set to enable Naming Conventions, specify whether to reverse-engineer source attributes as business names or as technical names.  Conversions will be applied according to your Naming Conventions parameters.   [default: business, if Naming Conventions are disabled; or technical, if Naming Conventions are enabled in application Tools > Options]
    --maxErdEntityBoxes=< true | false >NSpecify whether to fully expand all collections before distribution.  [default: false]
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    The obfusc command lets you garble sensitive properties: business name, technical name, description, comments, enumeration.  Use if you need to send a model for troubleshooting but don't want to disclose sensitive aspects of the model.


    Usage:    hackolade obfusc [--arguments]


    --sourcemodel=<file>*YFull path and file name for the Hackolade model to be obfuscated.  Extension .json is optional
    --targetmodel=<file>*YFull path and file name for the obfuscated Hackolade model.  Extension .json is optional.  
    --logLevel=< 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 >N1 = no spinner, no info, no error messages 2 = no spinner, no info 3 = no spinner 4 = full output [default: 4]

    *: If path and/or file name contains blanks, the value must be surrounded by double quotes (“)  Path can be ignored if file is in local directory.



    C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade obfusc --sourcemodel=masterdata --targetmodel=garbeledmasterdata  


    Note: If the path contains spaces, Windows generates an error message when running the CLI from another directory than the one where the Hackolade executable was installed, even if using quotes, e.g.: "C:\Program Files\Hackolade\hackolade" .  The workaround, assuming:

    Windows Program Files

    is to to use the 8.3 command C:\PROGRA~1\Hackolade\hackolade, as displayed above.



    The --help argument displays the version number of Hackolade being invoked.


    Usage:    start /wait hackolade --help



    The --performance argument records timestamps of application startup steps for performance troubleshooting.  Log can be found in file HackoladePerformance.log in directory C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\HackoladeLogs (Windows) or folder Users/$USER/Documents/HackoladeLogs (Mac/Linux)


    Usage:    start /wait hackolade --performance



    The --version argument displays the version number of Hackolade being invoked.


    Usage:    start /wait hackolade --version



    CLI error message

    You may download an Excel file with CLI error messages here